Academic Keynote Panel-
IT Organization of the Future: Driving Business Change

Innovation never rests. It is the constant through boom or bust. The strategic value of information coupled with the technologies generating and propagating it, continue to expand. Businesses successfully emerging from this difficult economic period have discovered innovation is neither time-consuming nor expensive, but essential. Digital organizations, those existing in the virtual world of online communication, continue to experiment and innovate, utilizing tools and strategies that require virtually no cost. The result of these experiments is meaningful change in top line revenue and bottom line results.

This keynote panel brings together a complementary set of MIT academic and industry leaders who will debate IT and information’s role in driving innovation. The panel will explore the impact of social media, influencers of productivity and business growth and how the IT function is a cornerstone. Discussion will focus on the technology evolutions which companies may experience and the changes that will map out the future of organizations.

Mr. Jason Pontin
Editor in Chief and Publisher
Technology Review
Mr. Frank Moss
Director, MIT Media Lab and Jerome B. Wiesner Professorship of Media Technology
Dr. Jeanne W. Ross
Director, Center for Information Systems Research (CISR)
MIT Sloan School of Management
Prof. Erik Brynjolfsson
Schussel Professor of Management and Director, MIT Center for Digital Business MIT Sloan School of Management
Ms. Marilyn Smith
Head of Information Services and Technology
Massachusetts Institute of Technology