Enterprise 3.0

More than 80 percent of Fortune 500 companies report they are in the midst of adopting Enterprise 2.0 concepts including social networking, new Web-based workflows designed to streamline communication with customers, employees and partners and/or the integration of multi-channel communications. As these levels of activity and the volume of data generated increase, so too must the organization's ability to link, acquire and decipher all the information to optimize performance. For many CIOs, Enterprise 3.0, a system of effective knowledge management, provides new services through more effective data integration. However, it also presents new challenges, particularly in the areas of solution’s technology adoption and its integration into existing business units.

In this panel, experts on the Web of Data and Linked Data will discuss emerging approaches to Enterprise 3.0. The discussion will provide CIOs with more insights into upcoming approaches surrounding the global IT market and how these concepts can better serve a company.

Dr. Andrew McAfee
Research Scientist
Center for Digital Business, MIT Sloan School of Management
, Mr. Ralph Swick
, Mr. Gregg Hansen
VP of IT
, Mr. Gene Rodgers
President and COO
, Dr. Edward Curry
Research Scientist