The MIT Sloan CIO Symposium is an annual one-day conference, held on the MIT campus, where CIOs and other senior business executives from around the world gather to explore how leading-edge academic research and innovative technologies can help address the practical challenges faced in today's changing economy.


Over the last 50 years, IT has been invaluable as a tool for improving enterprise efficiency. Even today, this continues to be an essential role. But as IT evolves to meet future needs, the industry's focus must be to enable business and organizational transformation by offering sustainable innovation within and across the enterprise.

As market pace quickens, companies must become more nimble; it is imperative for IT to change from its traditional perception of bottom-line cost management to a new role in top-line value creation. Instead of focusing exclusively on optimizing internal efficiencies, forward-looking information and communication technologies must support the business goal of achieving a competitive edge and long-term profitability.

Stepping out of the mold of a typical technology-centric discussion of the IT industry, the 2010 MIT Sloan CIO Symposium explores new forms of computing to fuel innovation. We address critical business implications of embracing the new over the tried-and-true and the risks of ignoring new technologies that can benefit your business.

  • What technologies best align with new business models?
  • What is the role of the CIO in enabling business transformation? How can the organizational structure and culture support the new technology infrastructure or vice versa?
  • What type of business or organizational culture is ripe for innovation? What is the real problem that technology solves in order to increase productivity and profitability?
  • What are the organizational impacts and benefits when the capacity constraints on computing are lifted?
  • What are the economic and business implications when employees are empowered with more capacity and they can perform large-scale computing tasks without the structure of the traditional corporate platform?
  • With economic fluctuations, what is the appropriate and cost-effective IT strategy? Is it greening, virtualization, cloud computing or "hybrid cloud'? Are these technologies the best options for change? When and how is one an optimizing solution? What synergies or conflicts are associated with private versus public innovations?
  • What will data centers and their energy consumption look like in the future? As more solutions come on the market to improve data centers, what will become of privately managed IT data centers?

Registration and Continental Breakfast

Kresge Lobby     /     Courtyard Tent

Innovation Showcase

Courtyard Tent

We invite you to join us on this exciting discovery tour. On May 19th, 2010, MIT Sloan CIO 2010 Symposium tackles these topics. Please join the discussion.

The panel sessions comprised of distinguished MIT researchers, key IT leaders, and IT practitioners from academia and vertical industries will engage in a captivating dialogue about the many dimensions of technology and its critical role in building an enterprise that rides the waves of economic and technological changes.